September 2, 2006

That bitch is my best friend

Q. Earlier this year, I got my first job, my own place and my dog back from my parents. (They took care of her after I left for college.) My life is really coming together, but now Muffin is sick. The vet said they can try surgery to save her. (I can afford it if I max out my plastic.) But she’s getting up there in years and the vet doesn’t know if she’ll make it through recovery. So do I take the chance?
- Wondering what’s best for my poor pooch in Atlanta

A. Dear poor pooch,
I assume you’ve been feeding your dog Iams Active Maturity.™ Because you want the best for Muffin, don’t you?
Or are you just trying to hold on to a comforting link to your childhood? You’re finally standing on your own. Life is great, but starting out can be scary. I’m sure it’s nice to have Muffin around loving you unconditionally.
So consider what your pet is really going through and ask yourself,
“What’s in your wallet? ”®
Then decide if you want any cash in it for the next few years. Because despite anything David Spade or those unemployed Vikings tell you, if you have to charge it, you can’t afford it.
Life is forcing you to become a grown-up. Yeah, Life Takes Visa, but it also takes tough decisions. So do what you can to ensure that you and your dog both enjoy the time you have left together. Just don’t jeopardize your future to inhumanely extend hers.


  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I just put my 14 y.o. dog to sleep because he had a blood disorder that caused him to grow a huge tumor on his side. After two operations that failed to stop the tumor's growth, the next step was an extensive surgery and chemo at the vet school. We said no.

    In the end, we knew our responsibility was to do what was best for the dog, not us. We had done what we could for him. The surgeries were confusing and painful for him. He was very elderly. The tumor was compromising his quality of life.

    When we got the dog, he put his life in our hands. He trusted us to feed him, care for him, love him and do what was best for him. We took our obligation seriously.

    How much money this will cost does not have anything to do with the dog - it has to do with you. Put aside the money question. Will the surgery significantly improve the dog's life? Will it fullfill your obligation to give him the best life you can? If yes, then have the surgery. If no, then enjoy what time you have. If the answer is yes, but you don't want to pay for it, then you shouldn't have a dog.

  2. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Pets, I could take them or leave them. They are just a money drain after you have a child and have no time to take a poo let alone play with a pet.
